Category: Electronics

Recycle Networking Equipment

Recycle Networking Equipment In the current digital revolution, businesses are forced to discard outdated, faulty scrap network gear in place […]

Interco Buys Computers and eScrap

In today’s age, recycling has become popular among people. Those who recycle accomplish as much as they can to help […]

What is E-Waste Recycling?

What is eWaste Recycling? Recyclers use the term eWaste or eScrap to describe business and consumer electronic products on the verge […]

Recycling Printed Circuit Boards

Printed Circuit boards (PCB), also known as green boards, are designed specifically to support and facilitate the connection of electronic components.

Importance of Computers and Electronics Recycling

As eWaste continuously grows exponentially worldwide, computers and electronics recycling occupies the bulk of this category. The environmental impacts of […]

Electronics and Precious Metal Recycling

Since 1996, Interco has been a Electronics and Precious Metal Recycling leader. Most noteworthy, the company provides customized recycling services […]

Recycling Computers and Electronics

Computers & Electronics Recycling Since 1996, Interco has been a leader in Computers & Electronics Recycling. We provide customized recycling […]

eScrap: the Benefits of Recycling Computers and Electronics

eSсrар refers to аnу computer оr еlесtrоniс dеviсе thаt can bе rесусlеd аnd mаdе into ѕоmеthing else. eSсrар is mostly comprised of used, discarded, and outdated electronics, monitors and peripherals.