The Importance of ITAD Services
ITAD (information technology asset disposition) recycling is the process various IT products. A big portion of ITAD recycling involves re-processing and reusing computer and laptop parts. Some of these parts include:

- Servers
- Hard drives
- Computer wires
- Power supplies
- Circuit boards
- Keyboards
- Insulated wires
- Transformers
- Monitors
Cell phones and other telecom equipment can also be recycled through ITAD.
Now that ITAD itself has been explained, why is it important to recycle eScrap?
The Importance of ITAD Recycling
Recycling eScrap materials has numerous environmental benefits. When you recycle eScrap materials, this…

- Reuses valuable materials
- Reduces space in landfills
- Prevents toxic chemical leaks
- Reduces solid waste
- Protects natural resources
- Reduces pollution
- Creates jobs
A few of the reusable materials that can be recovered through ITAD includes precious metals, lead, cadmium, mercury, silicon and more. Furthermore, reusing these materials helps to produce useful products, reduces space in landfills and reduces solid waste.
Also, the material recycled when professionals recycle eScrap can contain toxic chemicals that can harm the environment. So, recycling eScrap through recycling ITAD prevents this from happening and protects natural resources while doing so. All of these steps lead to a decrease in overall pollution.
In addition, ITAD recycling increased the amount of jobs available. The more eScrap that is produced, the more people Interco will need to hire to complete the process of recycling eScrap materials.
To further understand ITAD, one must be familiar with the process of how to recycle eScrap and networking equipment.
How to Recycle ITAD Materials
Professional recyclers recycle eScrap materials by:

- First, collecting eScrap from different sources.
- Then, sorting the eScrap components into different categories.
- After this, testing the materials to see if they can be reused.
- Furthermore, breaking the materials down into individual components. Recyclers generally sell any functional materials to second-hand resellers.
- Next, the recyclers erase the data by destroying hard drives to make sure personal information is no longer accessible.
- Subsequently, the recyclers shred the materials and sorts through the debris to find any leftover valuable components.
- Finally, the recyclers send the reusable materials to secondary recyclers who make useful products out of these materials.
Recycling eScrap products has a large number of environmental benefits. Some of these benefits include reducing space in landfills, preventing solid waste, protecting natural resources and several others.
Besides, this is just one of the multiple recycling services Interco offers. Interco even purchases scrap material to do their part in recycling it properly.
All in all, eScrap eligible for ITAD includes servers, hard drives, computer wires and more. With technology being used for several different aspects of everyday life, more ITAD occurs. Therefore, the more opportunities there are to recycle eScrap through the process of recycling ITAD, the more this will benefit the environment. Some of these environmental benefits include reusing valuable materials, protecting natural resources, reducing pollution and more.
ITAD recycling is just one of the many recycling services Interco offers. Interco even purchases scrap materials of all types to recycle them appropriately.
If you are interested in ITAD, click here to contact Interco.